
Xinyuan Yu

Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences,

About Me

I am currently a Ph.D. at MIT EAPS, working in Fiore Group with Prof. Arlene Fiore since Sep 2022. My current research surrounds chemistry-climate modeling with a focus on tropospheric ozone. Previously, I earned BS and MS in Environmental Science at Peking University under Prof. Shu Tao’s guidance. While at PKU, my work focused on utilizing air quality modeling to establish reduced-form models for black carbon.

Research Interest

On-going Project

  1. Primary generals project
    Using UT O3 observations during 2005-2021 from OMI/MLS satellite product and model simulations during 1950-2014 from a 16-member initial-condition ensemble of CESM2-WACCM6; Applying climate fingerprint method developed for detecting anthropogenic climate change to tropospheric ozone

  2. Publications [Google Scholar][ResearchGate]

    1. Environ. Sci. Technol.
      Xinyuan Yu, Qirui Zhong, Wenxiao Zhang, Wenjun Meng, Xiao Yun, Haoran Xu, Huizhong Shen, Guofeng Shen, Jianmin Ma, Hefa Cheng, Bengang Li, Junfeng Liu, Shu Tao
      Environmental Science & Technology

    2. Conferences & Events

      1. 2023 CESM AMWG
        Xinyuan Yu, Arlene Fiore
        Atmosphere Model, Chemistry Climate & Whole Atmosphere Working Group Meeting 2023

      2. ICEPH
        Xinyuan Yu, QiRui Zhong, Xiao Yun, Wenjun Meng, Shu Tao
        5th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Health

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